TEDxGoldenGateED will take place on June 11, 2011 from 1pm to 9pm at the soaring and historic Craneway Pavilion. Join us to hear from a incredibly diverse field of speakers about what science tells us about compassion and empathy, and see how compassion improves learning. You will also meet people who teach compassion explicitly, and others whose creative and vital work is deeply informed by it. Who should attend? We are hoping to attract a diverse audience of educators, education leaders, parents, and others who support the important link between compassion and education. To find out how to participate, please click here. Why Teach Compassion? Compassion – the devotion to enhancing the welfare of others – is humanity’s stickiest idea. Compassion is at the heart of the world’s ethical and spiritual traditions. Now, a new science is revealing humans to be a compassionate and caring species – there are DNA and brain structures devoted to the emotion. Compassion may be the natural state of mind. Are we entering into an era of compassion? In today’s schools, the ability to imagine the needs of others, to think compassionately, and to design, innovate, and act in ways that benefit others are true 21st century skills. Compassion is a new science of the brain, of human health, and of sustainability. It is the greatest privilege we are granted, to teach compassion.