Written by Colby Itkowitz.
John Kasich has run his presidential campaign on the premise that he is the gentler, reasoned choice. He’s the candidate who hugs voters. He’s the one who calls for tolerance and softer rhetoric. And Tuesday, he laid out in sharp terms the choices before Republican voters: a descent into darkness with Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, or a sunnier path with him.
“A political strategy based on exploiting Americans instead of lifting them up inevitably leads to divisions, paranoia, isolation and promises that can never, ever be fulfilled,” Kasich said. “I say to you that this path to darkness is the antithesis of all that America has meant for 240 years.”
But Kasich’s lighter approach has earned him little more than the distinction of the last so-called establishment Republican left to challenge Trump and Cruz. Kindness has not proven to be a winning strategy.
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