Written by Artemis Evangelidi.
There can be no doubt, resilience is on the tip of everyone’s tongues these days. Resilience for students; CEO’s; athletes; new parents. The category doesn’t matter – the desire to meet a ‘resilient state’ is high.
Resilience is not a new concept. Over the years it has gone through various transitions with a noticeable shift in focus from internal to external influences. However, one certainty remains. Resilience is a process.
So, what does resilience actually mean? Some researchers call it a ‘construct with two distinct dimensions: significant adversity and positive adaptation’ (Luthar SS. Resilience in development: A synthesis of research across five decades. Developmental Psychopathology: Risk, Disorder, and Adaptation. New York: Wiley; 2006). This view requires the presence of substantial risk or adversity as the differentiating factor resulting in the ability to positively adapt in the face of adversity.
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