Join the Arnold P. Gold Foundation for the inaugural session of Compassion in Practice: Achieving Better Outcomes by Maximizing Communication, Relationships and Resilience on Oct. 28-29, 2016 in Boston, MA.
Featuring an internationally recognized faculty in disciplines spanning neuroscience to clinical education, this continuing education course is designed for physicians, nurses, and health care professionals and educators who wish to enhance their communication skills, optimize professional relationships and ability to work in teams, while improving their efficiency and enjoyment of clinical practice.
Course Directors:
Beth A. Lown, MD
Mt. Auburn Hospital, Harvard Medical School and The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
Lidia Schapira, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Amy M. Sullivan, EdD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School
Elizabeth Gaufberg, MD, MPH
Cambridge Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School and The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Jeannette Ives Erickson RN, DNP, FAAN
Massachusetts General Hospital
Featured Speakers:
Richard J. Davidson, PhD
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tania Singer, PhD
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzip, Germany
Charles Hatem, MD
Mt. Auburn Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Click here for more information and registration.