Written by Sammi Sontag.
In a world with relentless push notifications, text updates and breaking news alerts, releasing your self from the claws of social media is nearly impossible. Personally I’d love to break free from my social media sites, but it wouldn’t be easy as a 20-something without social media in 2019.
Social sites are a fundamental part of everyday American life. Everyone is Snapchatting, direct messaging, making plans and posting their achievements online constantly; it’s how we stay connected.
But what does “staying connected” mean in the 21st century? Is connected watching someone’s Snapchat story and to see how his or her day went? Does being connected equate to “liking” a Facebook status or a picture on Instagram? If so, are we really connected? Do you feel closer to the person you see on your phone screen?
To read the full article, click here.
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