Written by Chloe Tejada.
Today’s habit: Say ‘Good morning’ to a co-worker every day.
What it is: Have you ever noticed that when someone says “Good morning” to you that you feel a little bit better? Well, I’ve made it a habit to start saying it more often, to more people, every day because I am sure that it helps get their day off to a good start.
Even if I don’t work closely with a colleague, I try to say “Good morning” to everyone I come into contact with when I enter the office, when I’m getting my cup of tea, or when I just see them around.
How it can help: I know how it feels to be “unseen,” to go unrecognized, to not be acknowledged. It lowers your self-esteem, and it makes you feel invisible. Making others feel seen and recognized is important, in the workplace and beyond, so don’t be afraid to say a chirpy “Mornin’!” to your neighbour or even a stranger on the street (if you feel comfortable doing so, that is).
To read the full article, click here.
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