Most parents want their kids to be successful in life , so we teach them attitudes we believe will help them achieve their goals. But as I learned while researching my book, many widely-held theories about what it takes to be successful are proving to be counterproductive: They may produce results in the short term, but eventually they lead to burnout and — get this — less success. Here are a few of the most damaging things many of us may be teaching our children about success, and what we should tell them instead.
1. We tell our kids: Focus on the future. Keep your eyes on the prize.
We should tell them: Live (or work) in the moment.
It’s hard to stay tightly focused. Research shows that our minds tend to wander 50 percent of the time we’re awake. And when our minds wander, we can start to brood over the past or worry about the future — thereby leading to negative emotions like anger, regret, and stress.
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