We’re living in an epidemic of incivility, disengagement, and despair at work—all forms of suffering that create a costly drain on organizational potential and rob workplaces of dignity and motivation. In their new book, CCARE researcher Monica Worline and her co-author Jane Dutton reveal how compassion contributes to the strategic success of organizations by contributing to capabilities for innovation, service delivery, and adaptability as well as building commitment and engagement among employees and organizational members. Marshalling evidence from two decades of research and sharing compelling stories from real organizations, Monica and Jane offers an informative and imperative call to action to alleviate suffering at work. They offer both personal and organizational blueprints for change that highlight steps anyone can take to alleviate suffering in their workplace. Going beyond personal practices, the book offers concrete and substantive design principles to guide leaders and change agents toward creating lasting and sustainable compassion competence built into the structures and practices of organizations. Creating more compassionate organizations is smart business and enlivening our workplaces with greater compassion is within reach of all of us.
Dr. James Doty, Director of CCARE, said about Monica and Jane’s book: “Work remains a place where most of us spend a large percentage of our waking hours. Yet for many, the workplace remains a source of stress and anxiety. In their landmark book, Awakening Compassion at Work, Drs. Worline and Dutton give us an overview of the problem and science-based solutions. It will not only help the individual in the workplace but in their life. For the employer, it is a powerful tool to give employees meaning in their work but also to increase creativity, productivity and ultimately shareholder value.”
Order a copy of Awakening Compassion at Work: The Quiet Power that Elevates People & Organizations today.