On Sept. 8th and 9th, a diverse group of some of the nations leading thinkers from science, religion, arts, and business, will gather in N.Y. around the 10th anniversary of 9-11 to reflect on a new way forward, by sharing their wisdom through traditional stories both sacred and secular, and scientific discovery, to develop a shared narrative to help reweave the fabric of our society.
To highlight the gathering, a unique public program, Searching for Answers and Wisdom in a Post-9/11 World, will be held will be held at 8:15 to 9:30 p.m., Sept. 8th, 2011, at the 92nd Street Y in NYC. Moderated by Emmy Award winner Arthur R. Miller, and based on the Fred Friendly seminars engaging the audience. The event will include such panelists as: Dr. Stuart A. Kaufman, a MacArthur Prize winner and author of Reinventing the Sacred; Prof. R. Gustav Niebuhr, Dir. of the Religion and Society Program at Syracuse Univ. and former New York Times correspondent; Dr. Naresh Singh, world’s leading authority and advocate for Sustainable Livelihoods for the poor; Asma Uddin, prominent attorney and founder and editor-in-chief of altmuslimah.com; Diane Schenandoah, a renowned Native American artist; and Iya Amiebelle Olatunji, African American Matriarch and mentor.
For more information and a complete list of panelists go to http://www.wisdomthinkers.org.