WELCOME to the CCH Student Resources page
Here you can play/download meditation recordings, read/download course materials, and link to other resources. The materials for each week are separated by tab and will be available before the scheduled class meeting. The class recording will be available to stream by 9 am PT the following morning. You have lifetime access to these materials, apart from the class recordings which will be removed two months after the last class.
Your Course Information
INSTRUCTOR | BRITTA ESKEY | compassioneducation@stanford.edu
DATES | 8 Tuesdays, January 21 – March 11, 2025, 4-6 pm PT/7-9 pm PT
Meeting ID: 935 0560 0341
Passcode: 679858
Course Materials
- Do the Breath-Focused Meditation daily.
- Establish your buddy relationship. Contact your buddy(s), set up a regular weekly check in, and determine how you want to connect (text, email, phone call…). This week, check in with your buddy about your intention for the course.
- Engage in the Daily Informal Practices.
Class Materials
- Presentation Slides | Week 1
- Quote | Pema Chödrön and Poem | Allow | Danna Faulds
- Class Recording | January 21, 2025
Guided Meditation
- Breath-Focused Meditation by Britta (15 min)
- Breath-Focused Meditation by Lee (10 min)
- Breath-Focused Meditation by Shandra (20 min)
- How Compassion and Altruism Create Resilience | Kelly McGonigal, PhD
Scientific Readings
- Study Shows How Slow Breathing Induces Tranquility | Bruce Goldman
- Police Officers Get Their Serenity On, Meditate Before Hitting Streets | Elyse Wanshel
- Rhythm of Breathing Affects Memory and Fear | Neuroscience News
- 5 Reasons to Meditate | Pema Chödrön
Recommended Reading
- Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body by Daniel Goleman, PhD & Richard J. Davidson, PhD
- Do the Compassion for a Loved One Meditation daily. While daily meditation is the goal, if you miss a day don’t judge yourself and don’t throw out the whole process. Just do what you can to make it a priority and get back on the “meditation wagon.”
- Continue to establish your buddy relationship. Contact your buddy(s), set up a regular weekly check in, and determine how you want to connect (text, email, phone call, etc.).
- Engage in the Daily Informal Practices.
Class Materials
- Presentation Slides | Week 2
- Breakout Room Protocol | Week 2
- Poems | I am Breathing by Mary Oliver | Love Does That by Meister Eckart
- Class Recording | January 28, 2025
Guided Meditation
- Compassion for a Loved One Meditation by Britta (12 min)
- Compassion for a Loved One Meditation by Lee (13 min)
- Compassion for a Loved One Meditation by Shandra (20 min)
Scientific Readings
- Study Shows Compassion Meditation Changes the Brain | Dian Land
- Regulation of the Neural Circuitry of Emotion by Compassion Meditation Effects of Meditative Expertise | Antoine Lutz, Julie Brefczynski-Lewis, Tom Johnstone, Richard J Davidson
Recommended Reading
- Listening in the Raw: Coming Home to Receptivity by Randall Alifano
- Awakening Compassion at Work by Monica Worline, PhD
- Practice Week Three’s Compassion for One’s Self Meditation daily. You may use either this week’s audio, or any of these short Self-Compassion step meditations led by Britta. Each of these video meditations is 5-8 minutes long. You may wish to pause and spend some time in silent contemplation.
- SELF-COMPASSION STEP 1 | Acknowledging our distress/our suffering
- SELF-COMPASSION STEP 2 | Reassuring ourselves that it is okay to feel this way
- SELF-COMPASSION STEP 3 | Recognizing common humanity
- SELF-COMPASSION STEP 4 | Skillful self monitoring/self kindness
- SELF-COMPASSION STEP 5 | Complete self-compassion exercise
- Practice tips for meditation:
- When you picture a time when you were suffering, take good care of yourself by not going to the worst thing you can recall.
- Find a photo of yourself as a child to place near your meditation spot. Seeing the photo will connect you to the visualization in the Self-Compassion Meditation from class.
- Daily Informal Practices | Week 3
Class Materials
- Presentation Slides | Week 3
- Journaling Prompts | In-class exercise
- Blessing | To Come Home To Yourself | John O’Donohue
- Quotes | Boyle and Rosenberg
- Class Recording | February 4, 2025
Guided Meditation
- Breath-Focused Meditation by Britta (15 min)
- Breath-Focused Meditation by Lee (10 min)
- Breath-Focused Meditation by Shandra (20 min)
Scientific Readings
- Self Compassion, Wellbeing, and Happiness | Kristin D. Neff and Andrew P. Costigan
- The Five Myths of Self Compassion | Kristin D. Neff
Recommended Reading
- The Kindness Cure | Tara Cousineau
- Do the Self-Appreciation and Compassionate Resource Meditation daily
- Daily Informal Practices | Week 4
Class Materials
- Quote | Sonya Renee Taylor and Poem | Nuptial Song by Susana Thénon
- Journaling Prompts | In class exercise
- Class Recording | coming soon!
Guided Meditation
- Self-Appreciation and Compassionate Resource Meditation | by Shandra (20 min)
- Self-Appreciation and Compassionate Resource Meditation | by Lee (16 min)
- Self-Appreciation and Compassionate Resource Meditation | by Britta (13 min)
No additional readings this week
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Playing and Downloading Meditation Recordings
- Select the meditation.
- A new tab/window will open in your browser where the meditation can be played.
- To download the meditation file to your computer, click the three dot menu and select download.
- A pop up window will show you where the file will be downloaded. Select Save.
- The file should then start downloading.
Reading and Downloading Course Materials
- Select the document.
- A new tab/window will open in your browser where the document can be read.
- To download the document file to your computer, select the download button located at the top right of the window.
- A pop up window will show you where the file will be downloaded. Select Save.
- The file should then start downloading.
The Guided Meditations and Course Materials may not be reproduced, distributed, published, displayed, modified, or used to create derivative material. If you would like permission to use any of these materials, you must contact CCARE. ©The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University 2024. All rights reserved. All or portions of these materials include copyrighted materials belonging to Stanford University.