- Adriana Medeiros
- Adrienne Kernan
- Al’ai Alvarez
- Alena Skrbkova
- Amy Jue Wang
- Andrea Ayala Roche
- Antoine de Morree, PhD
- Barbara King
- Barbara Piper-Roelofs
- Breana Teubner
- Brooke Cassoff
- Bryan Lian
- Chantal Paulson
- Christina Tan
- Christina Worsing
Cultivating Mindfulness and Compassion in Design Higher Education
- Daisy Swan
- Danna Hoshino
- Donna J. McInnis
- Dr. Leslie Jane Aspis
The Overlooked Participant: Specialized Bereavement Assisted Suicide
- Dr. Maureen Wilks
- Elena Jensen
Us, Them and Me: Increasing our circle of "us" within healthcare
- Eli Bauer
Leading with Compassion: Creating an innovative and thriving workplace
- Eliana Reeves
- Gabriele Hilberg, PhD
- Gard Jameson
Volunteers in Medicine Bringing Compassion into a Free Healthcare Clinic
- Gaylynn Thomas, RN, BSN
- Isabel Vega Montilla
- Karen A. Mott
- LaShelle Natsuko Burch
- Lee Elizabeth Sowles
- Lina Cuartas
Victoria Amazonica: A Bilingual Podcast, Book and Art Collection
- Lisa Daron Grossman
- Liya Bromberg
- Luan M. Wilfong
- Lynn Chiarello
- Marisa Lascher
- Masen Ewald
Fire Work Compassionate Action in Response to Current Events
- Michelle Carlstrom
- Nelly Alandou
- Nina Y. Mesina
Compassionate Listening: Community support through listening
- Ratnesh Sharma
- Sandra Sanabria Bohórquez
- Sue Linville Shaffer, Ed.D, LMFT
Disastershock: How to Cope With the Emotional Distress of a Major Disaster
- Tom Fandre
- Vivienne Gabrielle Antal
- Yvonne Tally