Conversations on Compassion with Dr. James Doty and the venerable Zen Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, hosted by CCARE at Stanford University on October 24, 2013.
Hardwiring Happiness: Contentment with James R. Doty
Dr. James Doty discusses contentment with nueropsychologist Rick Hanson in his 7 part feature: Hardwiring Happiness.
Conference Details:
You can have lasting, true happiness. Even in a life that is hard.
This conference is about how to use the power of everyday experiences to build up important strengths and resources for yourself such as mindfulness, compassion, courage, curiosity, and love.
To view the entire conference, go to
Conversations on Compassion: Director Tiffany Shlain
Conversations on Compassion with Dr. James Doty and Director Tiffany Shlain, hosted by CCARE at Stanford University on October 29, 2013.
Conversations on Compassion: Thich Nhat Hanh
Conversations on Compassion with Dr. James Doty and the venerable Zen Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, hosted by CCARE at Stanford University on October 24, 2013.Â
Meng-Wu Lecture: Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D.
Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D., is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab (a.k.a. PEP Lab, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the author of 100+ peer-reviewed articles and book chapters as well as Positivity ( and Love 2.0 ( An internationally popular keynote speaker, her work has influenced scholars and practitioners worldwide, within education, business, healthcare, the military, and beyond.
Innovating Compassion – Irwin Kula, Angela Maiers & James Doty, M.D discuss
From Irwin Kula, co-founder of The Wisdom Daily: So a neurosurgeon, a visionary educator and a rabbi walk into a bar…. I met Dr. James Doty and Angela Maiers a few weeks back at BIF9 – a remarkable gathering of over 400 innovators from across fields — science, technology, business, health, music, education, design, and social justice.
32 people were invited to tell their innovation stories each of which enchanted and elevated heart, mind and spirit. The first three stories — mine, Angela’s, and James’ were just released and there has been such buzz around them that we decided it would be fun to take the conversation to the next level. So thanks to BIF here we are talking about innovating compassion!
Brought to you by The Wisdom Daily and Business Innovation Factory
UN Plaza TEDx — Dr. James Doty
CCARE Founder and Director, Dr. James Doty, presented a talk on “Women’s Empowerment, Compassion and Saving Our Species” at the Tedx Talk which took place at the United Nations Plaza in New York City. Themed “Bravery”, this conference brought together innovative and inspirational leaders from around the world to explore multidisciplinary approaches to impact social change, from women empowerment to global affairs.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Social, Clinical, Health, and Developmental Perspectives
The purpose of the CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference held in Summer 2013, was to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. This talk focused on the social, clinical, health, and developmental perspectives of compassion. Speakers include Drs. Stephanie Brown, Yotam Heineberg, Daryl Cameron, and Emma Seppala.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Measuring Compassion
The purpose of the CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference held in Summer 2013, was to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. This talk focused on how to measure compassion. Speakers include Drs. Stephanie Brown, Clifford Saron, Daryl Cameron, Emiliana Simon-Thomas, and Gaelle Desbordes.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Compassion Cultivation Training
The purpose of the CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference held in Summer 2013, was to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. This talk focused on Compassion Cultivation Training or CCT. Speakers include Margaret Cullen, Timothy Harrison, Brooke Dodson-Lavelle, and Dr. Yotam Heineberg.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Neuroscience and Cognitive Perspectives
The purpose of the CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference held in Summer 2013, was to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. This talk focused on the neuroscience and cognitive perspectives of compassion. Speakers include Drs. Stephanie Brown, Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Gaelle Desbordes, and Clifford Saron.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Compassion Cultivation
The purpose of the CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference held in Summer 2013, was to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. This talk focused on cultivating compassion through various compassion trainings including CCT, CBCT, CFT, and self-compassion. Speakers include Margaret Cullen, Timothy Harrison, Brooke Dodson-Lavelle, and Dr. Yotam Heineberg.
Science of Compassion SRI 2013: Background and Definitions
The purpose of the CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Telluride Institute, a five-day conference held in Summer 2013, was to advance research on compassion and altruism through collaboration, dialog, inquiry, education, and research. This talk focused on the conceptual background and definitions of compassion. Speakers include Drs. Stephanie Brown, Daryl Cameron, James Doty, Clifford Saron, and Emiliana Simon-Thomas.
Lecture: Jennifer Stellar
Compassion and Business 2013: Panel 4 of 4
When Research Meets The World: Compassion, Leadership, Ethics, & Business. Remarks from Leaders in the Field
Panel 4 of 4: Scott Kriens, Steve Luczo, Chip Conley, Chade-Meng Tan, James Doty
Compassion and Business 2013: Panel 3 of 4
Thriving Leaders & Employees: Compassion & Individual Flourishing
Panel 3 of 4: Jamil Zaki, Kristin Neff, Kim Cameron, Jayanth Narayan, Mandy O”Neil
Compassion and Business 2013: Panel 2 of 4
Happy Organizations: Compassion & Organizational Flourishing
Panel 2 of 4: Jody Hoffer Gittell, Ryan Fehr, Daniel Martin, Sally Maitlis, Monica Worline
Compassion and Business 2013: Panel 1 of 4
Compassion & The Bottom Line: The Costs of Stress & the Benefits of Compassion in Organizations
Panel 1 of 4: Sigal Barsade, Firdaus Dhabhar, Elizabeth Dunn, Adam Grant, Emma Seppala
Compassion and Business 2013: Introductions
Introductions by Dr. James Doty and Keynote Address by Steve Luczo
Conversations on Compassion: Rick Hanson, PhD
Conversations on Compassion with Dr. James Doty and Rick Hanson, hosted by CCARE at Stanford University on April 18, 2013.
Researchers, Dalai Lama And The Neuroscience of Altruism
Stanford researchers and the Dalai Lama focus on the neuroscience of compassion — an effort that finds a natural ally in Tibetan Buddhism.
Why the Dalai Lama comes to Stanford:
Stanford University:
Stanford News:
Stanford University Channel on YouTube:
Hayward TEDx Talk by Cynthia Figge
An independently organized TEDx talk presented by CCARE and CSU Hayward with the theme “Applied Peace Innovation.”
Hayward TEDx Talk by James Doty
An independently organized TEDx talk presented by CCARE and CSU Hayward with the theme “Applied Peace Innovation.”
Hayward TEDx Talk by Yotam Heineberg
An independently organized TEDx talk presented by CCARE and CSU Hayward with the theme “Applied Peace Innovation.”
Campus Conversations on Compassion: Maria Molfino
This week’s Campus Conversations on Compassion with CCARE’s undergraduate Roscow Fellows and Maria Molfino. Molfino completed her BA in psychology at McGill University. She is now completing her master’s in the Learning, Design and Technology program at the Stanford School of Education. Molfino is a yoga teacher and teaches stress management in the YesPlus class at Stanford.