Stanford researchers and the Dalai Lama focus on the neuroscience of compassion — an effort that finds a natural ally in Tibetan Buddhism.
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mythicalhell says
Given that a holy person is, “one who serves as an exemplar of virtue and an embodiment of sacred power” I can say with all confidence that I am NOT a holy person and have absolutely NO desire to ever be so!! Why you would want to be holy(unless you’re very religious)is beyond me! I don’t see being holy as a virtue in any way! To me it’s a person modeling what a delusion is like!
HigherPlanes says
By holy I mean a spiritual being having a human experience. I should have clarified that in the beginning. Do you believe that you are that?
mythicalhell says
Why would I? There’s absolutely no empirical evidence to suggest such a think is possible!
HigherPlanes says
Is there empirical evidence for anything in life? Wow.
mythicalhell says
There’s empirical evidence for many things in life! Empirical evidence played a major role in evolution becoming a scientific fact! Creation seriously lacks any kind of empirical evidence which is I suspect why creation has been and is stuck being only a hypothesis! Empirical evidence played a role in one of the medicines I have to take passing the rigorous testing. If it didn’t pass then I would never have accepted it! So, yes, there’s plenty of empirical evidence for things
Tyler Thrash says
i liked it, just seeing that their planning studys on these things and showing dalai lama’s new book that i never knew about and im probably going to go buy it this week. Thank you for the video:)
steveo32oz says
You’re an idiot.
pconradp1shi1 says
With so many thinking that they are smarter than the next, it really demonstrates that what some learned, isn’t applied. Not in a positive way. What if we used our intellect to join together w/ intentions of TRULY making LIFE on Earth BETTER 4 EVERY1. It takes compassion, respect, and a humble spirit from within ALL of US. Food 4 Thought, “in order to make this a better nation, we all must exceed our own expectations.”
florencelovme says
That’s called deduction. Or Natural Selection.
mythicalhell says
I naturally select you to reproduce with!
florencelovme says
Fail. It’s the female that does this, NOT the male. Nowhere in the animal kingdom will you find it. I do the “picking” not you ;)Females in fact choose the fittest male by physique/race/tone of voice and so on. I suggest you do some reading on the subject, it is very interesting!It’s the males that do the chasing, but girls get to choose who they’re going to marry. Get it?
mythicalhell says
That’s what I implied I chose you to mate with, and your job is to accept! Have you ever seen a female dog running around looking for a male? NO! They put out a scent and the males go to her, she decides which male is acceptable and accepts him! I’ve seen a female dog reject a male before. She simple sat down(rofl)whenever he tried to mount her! Anyway, I was fooling around! You no doubt lack a sense of humor which is a MAJOR turn off to me! SEE YA!!
florencelovme says
haha! My plan worked! what I like about males like you is the fact that they can’t “read” girls like me. don’t you think I could see from a mile away where you were going with that one-liner of yours?! I wanted to have a head-on debate and you replied with a compliment. Not lacking a sense of humor, just choosing to wipe that smirk off your face. ;)well, compliment appreciated, even if late.
steveo32oz says
why would you claim that this is a personal attack, and remove your statement? Seems like someone doesn’t know what they are talking about.Which is why I stand by my opinion.
steveo32oz says
If you want to post your opinion accept the consequences, or “Levee” by your standards, as a man, not like a coward.
hoaikieng says
don’t trust any religion!
hoaikieng says
His eyes is telling me he is not trust worthy! His smiling is also the same. The 12 facial cranial nerves will tell a lot about most people. End of story. Even he knew about it but still he couldn’t hide his facial expression.
Lim Kh says
neuroscience is to use self presentation & speeches to harvest the minds of the people 🙂
Bogdan Runceanu says
so,.. where’s the neuroscience?
786GuardianAngel says
There is an article in PNAS (Procedings National Academy of Sciences) on neural effects of Loving Kindness and Compassion Meditation.Do a search on google scholar using the following keywords: PNAS Davidson RicardThe article is free.
anapanasati1970 says
MEDITATION RESOURCES:Yoga Nine Vipassana” is a Facebook page that offers free resources for meditation, including articles, quotes, recent research, excerpts from well-known teachers, etc. It is non-sectarian and Theravada, Zen, and Vajrayana ar represented. Please come and check it out.Look up “Yoga Nine Vipassana” on Facebook.
agapitoflores001 says
They have a very good research. Very useful.
Brian Estremos says
the wisest man as of now
imegatrone says
Your Video Is Very Useful Sharing Stanford researchers and the Dalai Lama focus on the neuroscience of compassion an effort that finds a natural ally in Tibetan Buddhism.
willamricard says
I Really Like The Video From Your Stanford researchers and the Dalai Lama focus on the neuroscience of compassion an effort that finds a natural ally in Tibetan Buddhism.