In the second of two afternoon sessions, His Holiness the Dalai Lama participates in panels regarding compassion, emotions, and action in the modern world. The panels include Stanford faculty members and focus on discussions about humanity in culture. In addition, the panels discuss how character and optimism play a role in the world’s future.
This session and the morning one that preceded it was part of the 2010 visit to Stanford by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His visit included this session as well as several other sessions where the Dalai Lama talked about compassion and religion in the modern world.
Stanford University:
The Dalai Lama at Stanford
Stanford University Channel on YouTube:
It’s good to have “your hairlessness” the dolly lemer here, so he can say a lot of NOTHING here! Talk about unscientific!! maybe if he would have spent eight years of his long life learning science he would understand as the majority of scientists do that religion is based on mythology!! Am I being rude here? Some would say no, but most would say yes(given that most Americans believe that a few mythical characters are real! o.o Oh well too bad! The truth can sting sometimes!!
Awesome video clip!!!!!!
what is the benefit of measuring compassion? to increase your ego?
Thank You your Holiness for working so tirelessly for the promotion of preaching peace and compassion in this tumultous world. Other religious heads should engage themselves more actively in promoting peace, compassion and human brotherhood rather than promoting their own faith.
the benefit of measuring compassion (as touched on in this clip and others from this series) is to create a standard, quantitative means of assessing and comparing the success of different scientific approaches to increase compassion. Long story short, I feel relatively comfortable saying it is the hope of most of the scientists working in this arena to improve the world in some way or another by promoting widespread compassion, or civic heroism specifically in Phil Zimbardo’s case.
Mr Ekman has worked on the universal facial expressions of emotions, shown how we all share and understand similar expressions. This research has brought us as a species closer together, even if the results are not perfect. But, he’s also collaborated with’the War on Terror’ so now our airports and cities are ridden with cameras impinging on our liberty. I wonder if he has ever issued a public retraction in light of the contradiction this shadowy work poses with compassion.
I am an ELCA Lutheran from South Carolina. I play the piano and organ. Today (September 4), we sang O Christ, Your Heart, Compassionate as our opening hymn. Ditto for me as I filled in at a local Lutheran Church. It was written by Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr. and set to the tune, ELLACOMBE, an 18th Century German melody, adapted by X.L. Hartig, Melodien zum Mainzer Gesangbuche, 1833. It is #722 in Evangelical Lutheran Worship.
compassion is not the only considerate topic of spirituality,god bless all,let no man decive you,the the son is comin to set up peace here on earth for 1000yrs then the father in heaven will come from heaven here to earth there is only way to eternal peace,each to there own different courses for different horses,namaste,so be it!
compassion IS the thing that makes something special
cool video.. emotions
your either creative or destructive, what sway compassion, if not for care. The value of everything
xx. no-one mentioned the spiritual —-/\— compass .xx
we should clone jesus and crucify him again.for man’s sins
I urge each and everyone who watches this to see it through till the very end. Inspiring hope to the future.
hope, lawl :3
Measuring compassion sounds like a great foundation on which to judge people… If we find a measure we’ll probably try and tweak our behavior to score high on it.
can not mesure love and compassion as you can not mesure the sky!but thank you for promoting them
If you can not endure all this lecture,( after all is about 1 hour long) skip it to 50:10 and then witness why His Holines is called Kundun “the Presence” is very touching to see how much he cares for his friends,.. very very touching, for me at least.
bridging both worlds is one of the most important aspect that society must the energy of life 3 principal must exist for it to be fruitfull.truth, truth without ttruth nothing can grow. compassion is also a most important apect of also promote life and growth understanding and more foreberance is also important it is to endure life chalenges/because to disolve karma we must walk trough it.letting go and facing it,disolves it…these 3 principal promotes life at every level.
indeed it was very touching.some things just cant be put into words.have you ever watch (falun dafa conference)i have the impression you would love it.peace and good viewing.
that’s a good loving it! lol
What a great man:)