- Albert Celoza
- Alex Nunn
A Power of Facing – Compassion and Courage in the Face of Global Suffering
- Amaris Vicari, Esq.
Customizable Learning Program on Compassion for Different Audiences
- Ana Teresa Ribeiro Contier
- Angela Gamba
- Anupama Khatana
- Archana Vahalia
- Ashu Sharma
- Atul Veer, MD
- Barbara Easterlin, PhD
- Benny Gavi
- Celeste Villalobos Tahamont
- Charah Coleman
- Charlene Muruvan
- Cheryl O’Malley
- Clare Kelly
- Claudia L. Bernard
- Cynthia Adkins
- Daillen Culver
- David Hlebain
Compassion Cultivation for People with Hypospadias & Epispadias
- David Schneider
- Deborah Kasman MD, MA
- Diana Hull
Minding the Path of Caring: Compassion-Based Practices for Becoming a Resilient Caregiver
- Diana Mooser
- Dr. Helena Patrícia Gaete
- Dr. Pitsi Kewan
- Edyta Kotowicz
- Eileen London
- Elif Aldemir
- Emily Anderson
ReFrame for Life Aligning Career through Compassionate Inquiry
- Erin Stevens McKay
- Helene Creager
- Henriette Ankone
- Ivo Machado
- Jack Cummins
- Jamie Alonzo
- Jana Hummel, MD
compassion based psychotherapy for depressed, cognitively impaired elderly
- Jana Plavuchova
- Janaina Betteley
- Jeff Jacobs
- Jennie Moreau
- Jennifer Ott Cameron
- Jenny Canau
- Jonathan S. Pincus
- José Luis
- Karolina Kolasa
5 Steps to Joyful Parenting and Applying Compassion in Clinical Trials
- Katie Huey
- Kerri Jacobs
- Kristine Claghorn
- Lacey Morris
- Lakiba Pittman
- Lakshmi Ganesan, MD MAS
- Lauren Slankard
- Laurie Flasko
- Lisa Mueller, MD
Self-Compassion and Awareness in Survivors of Childhood Cancer
- Lizette Du Preez, RN
- Lois Lane
- Maggie Burgett
- Marc Shaefer
A Mindful Leader! Human-Centered Culture in the Corporate World
- Maribel Ramírez Rivera
- Mark Logan, MD
- Maureen Dionysian, MPH
- Michelle Ting jui Huang
- Misty Huckabey
Harvest Compassion Exploring the Suffering of the Environment
- Mollie Reinhart
Befriend: A Global Movement of Connecting through Compassion
- Nancy Blair
- Nancy Etchemendy
- Neha Agrawal
- Nicole Villanueva Kersha
- Nompumelelo Madlingozi
- Pat Obuchowski
- Paula Sockolich, BSN, RN
Healing Trauma from within Using the Power of Energy Medicine
- Pinuccia Contino
- Rebeccah Amendola Kilian
The Exit Ticket: A Podcast for Educators During Pandemic-Teaching
- Reine Hewitt
- Renda Dionne Madrigal
Story Medicine: Sharing Compassion Wisdom through Storytelling
- Roald Martin Hamnvik
- Robert Tame
Working4Compassion: A Podcast on Compassion for Business Leaders and Employees
- Robin Amerena
- Rose (Hong) Xu
- Ruchika Sikri
Scaling Compassion, Mindfulness and Well-Being through Technology and Communities around the World
- Ruth Gottfried, PhD
- Salome Liebenberg, MS
Compassionate Leadership for Clinic Managers In Primary Healthcare
- Sandy Lewis
- Sara L. Kole, MPH
- Sarah Pearlz
- Sarah. C.A. McKaw
- Sasha Marchenko
- Seana Coughlin
- Sharee Johnson
- Signe Jung Sørensen
- Sophie Lartilleux Suberville
- Stephanie Soto
- Sunil S. Nethisinghe
- Susan Johnson PhD, RN
- Suzy Conley
- Swati Malaviya
- Tarja Wiklund, MScA
- Todd Vogel, PhD
- Trudy Watt, RA
- Urvi Shah
- Victoria Reichenberg, MS
- Virginia Wilcox
- Vitória Leite
- Wendy Figone
- Whitney G. Wilkerson, NBC-HWC
Independent to Interdependent: Compassion as a Spiritual Care Practice